March 20 Day 377: New to Me

It took 3 hours. But we have a new-to-us Subaru Forester. A recent trade-in— one year younger and 4K miles less travelled than our recently totaled vehicle. It’s snazzy with more bells and whistles. Not a color I would choose if I was buying new, but I’m not complaining.

Black with black leather interior and heated seats. I fully intend to drive this one until it rusts. (Of course that is what I thought about the last one too.)

So to answer the classic COVID-question “is it over yet?” Yes for this car-emergency chapter but no for the whole pandemic.

The dealership was hopping. Lots of cars were being sold. Can you guess the most common down payment amount? That’s right. $1400. Stimulus money was getting into circulation.

Published by Jenny Quinn

Mathematician. Mother. Wife. Leader. I am a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington Tacoma. Mother of Anson and Zachary. Wife to Mark. President of the Mathematical Association of America 2021-2022. Past-President of MAA 2023.

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