April 24 Day 47: Lost Joys

Today should be my niece Margo’s wedding. The big wedding plans were pared down to something small and intimidate with immediate family. The small wedding plans were cancelled when her parents (my brother and his wife), couldn’t responsibly travel to be there. Margo is a nurse and she understands the risks and responsibilities. I realize this story is being repeated all over the globe and we are collectively missing out on celebrations and opportunities that make our lives full and rich.

I mourn for our lost joys–whether big or small. Cancelled wedding, cancelled graduations, cancelled concerts, cancelled competitions, cancelled conferences. Perhaps cancelled is too strong a word. Postponed is better or maybe deferred. In our present quarantine lives, the joy of celebrating important events with those we care about the most, is lost. Maybe that is why each day feels a little harder to just go through the motions.

There will be time. I must be patient. And we will celebrate together again.

Margo and my brother Dan at his son Jon’s wedding seven years ago. Hoping we get to celebrate Margo’s wedding together soon.

Published by Jenny Quinn

Mathematician. Mother. Wife. Leader. I am a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington Tacoma. Mother of Anson and Zachary. Wife to Mark. President of the Mathematical Association of America 2021-2022. Past-President of MAA 2023.

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